Friday, 18 October 2013

Title: *DELIGHT*

Delight is a wonderful word. Just focusing on the word 'Delight', conjures images and feelings of joy, contentment and satisfaction. One should never underestimate the power of a positive word.

Let's take a closer look at the word.  *Delight*
Title:*DELIGHT*/Mm  - Visual Prayer Art from Set by Rev.Bola

Definition and Meaning of *Delight*

It is a kind of: pleasure.

Delight is: a fundamental feeling that is hard to define; but that people desire to experience .
A feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction.

Context and examples:
 'a joy to behold' / 'the pleasure of his company' / 'the new car is a delight'.

To "delight" is one way to: gratify ; satisfy; make happy or satisfied .

What does delightful mean?
Delightful means very pleasing or happy such as: 'he was a delightful person', or 
'I'm very happy to be a part of the Dargie club'.

What other words mean the same as delightful?
Answer: lovely, pleasant, enchanting, charming, alluring, adorable, attractive, beautiful, fair, pleasing.

Delight is amusement , diversion , entertainment , fun , recreation; comfort, relief, solace, gratification, indulgence; ambrosia.

Context examples:
A joy to behold / the pleasure of his company / the new car is a delight.

Delight is: A feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction. Something or someone that provides pleasure; a source of happiness.

Additional Meanings: To take pleasure in or to provide pleasure. To give pleasure to, or be pleasing to. Such as a joy or treat.
Example of usage: 'As always, they were a pleasure to deal with.'

Delight: (noun) is something or someone that provides pleasure; a source of happiness.
            verb. To give pleasure to or be pleasing to.

Context examples: 'These colors please the senses' / a pleasing sensation.

Cause:To like, be fond of, find enjoyable or agreeable.

Delight: is taken to result from the removal of pain (caused by confronting the sublime object) and is supposedly more intense than positive pleasure.

Delight has been described as the reason for creation, by which the absolute extends its delight of being into multiplicity, losing itself in the conscience and then through delight rediscovering itself through individuals realizing their divine nature and proceeding to spiritual realization.

In the Holy Bible the word Delight has been used several times. Particularly in Psalm 119.
Here are some examples:

{Ps119:16} I will delight myself in your statutes. I will not forget your word.

{Ps119:24} Indeed your statutes are my delight, and my counselors.

{Ps119:35} Direct me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in them.

{Ps119:47} I will delight myself in your commandments, because I love them.

{Ps119:70} Their heart is as callous as the fat, but I delight in your law.

} Let your tender mercies come to me, that I may live; for your law is my

{Ps119:143} Trouble and anguish have taken hold of me. Your commandments are my delight.

Delight therefore infers an experience of heaven -
such as pleasure, joy, gratification, paradise, gladness, happiness, bliss, rejoicing, felicity, content; elation, jubilation, exhilaration, exultation; ecstasy, transport, ravishment, rapture, delirium; enchantment, charm, gaiety.

To Delight is to:
gratify, gladden, please, cheer, suit; thrill, excite, tickle, Inf. tickle pink; titillate; please highly, afford pleasure to, fill with joy, ravish; captivate, charm, enchant, entrance; transport, enrapture, enthrall, fascinate, entertain, amuse, divert, refresh.

 To Delight in, is to:

 enjoy, appreciate, love, like; relish, savor, revel in, indulge in, feast on, bask in, luxuriate in.

We may therefore conclude, that frequent meditation on the word Delight, can be of enormous advantage to one's well being.

Written by Rev.Bola A (copyright: 19.10.13 - ARR)