Monday, 24 March 2014

Title: *God is Wide Awake*

 Psalm 121:3–4
 He will not let your foot be moved;
 he who keeps you will not slumber. 
Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. 

Wise Thought
There have been times in my life when I felt like God was ignoring me.
I thought, if God were awake, he'd realize how much I need him to move on my behalf right now.
If this happens, I can always reassure myself that God is wide awake and tuned in to my situation.
 He is watching over me to protect me. 

The above verse is part of the "pilgrim psalms" sung by the people of Israel,
 as they neared Jerusalem for one of the major pilgrimage feasts
As they took their final steps toward the temple,
 they celebrated and sang of God's faithful protection from harm.

Yes, I can trust God to keep me safe along every journey of my life. 
I can remember, he never sleeps or slumbers. 
He doesn't require a Red Bull (energy drink) to stay attentive to my needs.
 And he is guarding over my steps,  along every path of my life. 

Luke 1:49
For He that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is His name.

Recovery Prayer
O God,
It is only when I am truly grateful for Your mercy and grace in my life,

 that I find release from life's trials. May I be forever thankful. 
In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen. 

{Ref: Christians in Recovery)
 Posted by Rev.Bola
Christians Victorious Fellowship - Int

Monday, 17 March 2014

Title: *Personal Power For The Home

*CHRIST'S BUBBLE*L6 /Mm - Visual Prayer Art from collection by Rev.bola
 I have now learned that.....
Every object in my home and your home itself is charged with my thoughts and energy. Every time you look at your house and think, "This is too small; I do not like it," I send that energy into my house. It will be there to help bring me down. Every time I say, "What a wonderful place I live in, how fortunate I am to have this place," I make my home my friend and ally. Then, at times when I am not feeling good, I will find solace and comfort in my home. Hating something ties me to it, and if I want to move to a better place, I can start by loving what I have now.
Posted by Rev.Bola

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Title: *Power for the Faint

Title:*CHANGE 34/Mm - Visual Prayer Art from Collection by Rev.Bola

Isaiah 40:29 He gives power to the faint,
 and to him who has no might he increases strength. 

Inspiring Thought: *Power for the Faint

In this verse, Isaiah was speaking to believers who were living in captivity,
yet ones who had remained faithful to God. In spite of our commitment to the Lord,
sometimes we grow weary and powerless as we face difficult circumstances. 
It's usually because we forget that we can never serve and obey God in our own strength.
We must trust and depend fully on him in every situation.
We must wait for his strength to fill us when we become faint.
Daily, hourly, and minute by minute, let God renew your strength.

Posted by Rev.Bola