Spiritual Gift Box - from collection painted by Rev.Bola
When I first became a Christian Minister,
the most important lesson I had to learn,
was the practice of loving people unconditionally.
That lesson started first with me learning to love myself unconditionally.
Most times that can only happen when we are loved by someone else...
i.e....by family members - parents, grandparents, siblings, husbands,
wives, children, cousins, uncles, aunties, God parents..etc.
But as a minister, I was keen to know what happens to those
who have never experienced receiving unconditional from any relative?
The answer came to me from my higher power ....God.
God loves each and every one of us unconditionally.
The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ epitomised unconditional love,
in both his life and death. Jesus lived by love, he taught love, and he died by love, to be resurrected in love.
Receiving God's unconditional love in my own life,
has since helped me learn to love others unconditionally.
Bible Verse*Luke 6:31* states.......
'And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.'
Inspiring Thought: *The Golden Rule*
Treat others the way you would want to be treated.
This is the Golden Rule, spoken here among the beatitudes,
This is the Golden Rule, spoken here among the beatitudes,
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In this and previous verses, Jesus was teaching the very essence of unconditional love. This kind of love extends beyond the boundaries of our friends, neighbours and loved ones. We are to love all people, even our enemies, with the same kind of love.....
In this and previous verses, Jesus was teaching the very essence of unconditional love. This kind of love extends beyond the boundaries of our friends, neighbours and loved ones. We are to love all people, even our enemies, with the same kind of love.....
God's unconditional, all-encompassing love.
Posted by Rev.Bola
Minister and Organizer
Posted by Rev.Bola
Minister and Organizer