Thursday, 18 September 2014



A Study and Commentary

SIN IS A DIVIDER. Isa. 59:1-2 

A. Sin divides, breaks up, or cuts off our fellowship with God.
1. Sin separated man from God in the garden of Eden. 
2. Sin separated the Israelites from God. 
3. And even today, sin continues to separate men 
from their Creator. 

B. Sin not only separates man from God, 
it also separates families. 
1. Think of what the sin of adultery has done to marriages. 
2. Think of what the sin of drinking alcohol has done
to destroy individuals and their families. 

C. Sin also divides brethren. 1 Cor. 3:3 
1. At the root of most church problems is sin. 
2. Concerning a church problem someone once said, 
'The wicked sin and the righteous suffer.' 
A. That is often true regarding church problems. 

Why is this 3 letter word so dangerous to all of mankind?
Because it's the one thing that separates us from God. 
It keeps us from ever being happy and fulfilled. 
Sin turns us into servants of the devil. 
Sin weakens our soul, which makes us lazy. 
When one is not in the state of grace, 
it's easier to keep sinning.

*The Evils Of Sin*

1. An earthquake is evil because it is a calamity, 
but it has no moral bias. However, if you purposely 
blow up your neighbor’s house, that is a calamity that
most certainly has to do with morality 
(or more accurately – immorality). 
That calamity is evil AND it is a sin!. 

2. This means that we have failed to reach the divine standard. 
When God charges all with sin, He does not mean that all 
are guilty of heinous offenses, but that all are mistaken, 
all have missed the mark, all fall short of God’s ideal.
Even their best efforts – their “good” deeds – 
are performed in error. 
A sinner doesn’t need to do anything that man may condemn 
in order to deserve his name of “sinner.” 
He only needs to fail to fully realize God’s high standard
of holiness and glory. 

3. Virtually all so-called “solutions” trace sin up a blind
alley and stop short of God. But these “solutions” are 
neither scriptural nor satisfactory. It is true that sin
came into this world through Adam and Eve, but we cannot
stop there. Sin did not originate in Adam or Eve. 
The serpent was in the Garden of Eden before Adam sinned. 
The serpent, Satan, was already a sinner. 

4. “Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings
so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race 
that is set before us.” Heb 12:1. 
Sin is the conscious, knowing, and deliberate transgression
of the divine law, the Father’s will. Sin is the measure
of unwillingness to be divinely led and spiritually directed. 

5. Iniquity is the willful, determined, and persistent 
transgression of the divine law, the Father’s will. 
Iniquity is the measure of the continued rejection
of the Father’s loving plan of personality survival
and the Sons’ merciful ministry of salvation.

6. Opening a tavern to sell alcohol is evil. 
Having an adulterous affair may have been a crime of passion,
a spontaneous sin; but having an abortion is ALWAYS evil. 
A woman wearing sexy pants is evil, because she is 
deliberately trying to cause men to lust. 
Miniskirts and low-cut blouses are evil, 
because it is planned. 
God abhors evil, and so should we as His children. 
(Psalms 97:10). 

7. Our world is saturated with evil today
Rock concerts are evil. 
Country music is equally as evil, promoting sensuality, 
dirty videos and sexual suggestiveness. 
Country music has become one of the most 
woeful evils in the world. Country music is synonymous
with adultery, fornication, lewdness, broken homes 
and divorce. 

8. Sin is deceitful, because the more it is tolerated, 
the less evil it seems. Our society today readily 
accepts abortion, fornication, lewdness, taking God's
name in vain, dishonoring parents, divorce, false religion, 
covetousness, stealing, drunkenness and casino gambling. 
These woeful evils are commonplace and have tragically 
become a way of life in our wicked culture. 
God is not feared. 
The Bible is banned from our nation's classrooms. 

9. Sin is rebellion against God and His created order, 
but God has not left us alone in this fallen world. 
He continued to enter this world--pointing us to Himself, 
to truth, to morality, purity, and love. 
He used the evil of the world liars, perjurers, 
the envious, etc.,) to bring His Son to the cross so
that we might have the opportunity to obtain eternal life.

10. In this, God has not stepped away from fallen 
creation but has stepped into it by becoming Jesus. 
God works within the fallen world to effect change, 
and He uses fallen people to accomplish His will. 
In this, He is proving His sovereignty over evil , 
suffering, and rebellious people-
-proving that sin and evil are utterly futile and
that He is worthy of honor and glory.

Peace and Love 

Title:*Taking Refuge in God's Perfect Love*

Title: *Taking Refuge in God's Perfect Love*

Recovery Thought:
Time is too swift for those who fear, too long for those
who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those
who love - time is eternity. ~ Henry Van Dyke

† Recovery Prayer †
My Lord,
Your perfect love casts out all fear and heals my heart when I
grieve. Thank you for protecting me and covering me with Your
favor as a shield. Amen.

Comments and Deeper Study

Psalm 18:30 
As for God, his way is perfect:
The LORD's word is flawless;
he shields all who take refuge in him.

The Entirety of Psalm 18 is particularly pertinent
and relevant to this Study

Every word of God proves true;
He is a shield to those who take refuge in him.

Here's the problem:
God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble. But we often lose
sight of this truth and when we re in trouble we
start looking elsewhere for help.
No matter what is the source of our trouble:
whether it s the destructive power of creation or
the wicked purposes of evil people, God is able and
willing to help us. He doesn t always help us in
The ways we want or expect.
But He always acts in perfect wisdom and love.
He has been rescuing His people for thousands of years,
and we look forward to a day when we will see Him face
to face and live in His presence forever.

Pray Psalm 46 often,
and cry out to God when you
are in trouble and in need of refuge.
The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
From Psalm 91
*He shall cover thee with his feathers,
and under his wings shalt thou trust:
his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.*

Because God’s face says, definitively, 
that we’re worth loving, the faces that condemn,
the ones that abuse, the ones that fail to confirm
our inherent belovedness are all faces that lie.

“ He is a Shield to all those who trust and take
refuge in Him. ”
Thank God for Psalm 91 and for His blood.
It’s amazing how we can envision
being covered in His blood.
His blood protects us like a
magnetic force field around us.
It is a shield of angels and power.
Nothing can penetrate that!
This blood is shatter proof. It’s bad proof.
It s evil proof, thank God!
This is a good way to start you week,
your day, your life;
knowing that this God is more
than perfect, He is marvelous!
He has your back and He is on your side!

God’s promise of protection is conditional—
it is realized only by those who draw close to him.

Proverbs 18:10 states:
“The name of Jehovah is a strong tower.
Into it the righteous runs and is given protection.”

In Bible times, towers were sometimes built in the
wilderness as safe places of refuge.
But it was up to the one in danger to flee to such
a tower to find safety.
It is similar with finding refuge in God’s name.
This involves more than just repeating God’s name;
the divine name itself is no magic charm.
Rather, we need to know and trust the Bearer of that
name and live in harmony with his righteous standards.
How kind of Jehovah to reassure us that if we turn
to him in faith, he will be a tower of protection for us!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.

Isaiah 40:31 
“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
They shall mount up with wings as eagles.
They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and
not faint.” I like the ending of the song that also says, “
teach us Lord, teach us Lord to wait.”

“I have told you these things, so that in me you
may have peace. In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33

Waiting and trusting go hand in hand.

Posted by Rev.Bola