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Title: 'JUST SAY NO' Light Orb/Mx - Visual Prayer Art by Rev.Bola A |
How and Why You Need It.
Have you ever agreed to do something you actually did not have time for, or that you genuinely simply did not wish to do? Naturally you have! We all have, for that matter. And after you agreed to the chore did you observe that it made you feel distressed, pushed for time, or resentful of the duty? Probabilities are eminent that the answer is likewise a resonating “yes.”
Understandably, it’s more comfortable to say “yes” to people, particularly when the people are those we care about. We do this because we don’t wish to let other people down, disappoint them or be accused of not being available. We also do it because saying “no” has a negative connotation in our society. It sends the message that somehow we can’t do it all, we’re not accommodative or we’re not as warm and amenable.
Of course, being there for people when they need us is a beneficial thing. The issue is that a lot of people say “yes” at the expense of their own mental and physical well being. Assume too many obligations and your well-intentioned effort to conduct your child’s school play could turn you into a walking zombie, or, worse, a bad-tempered one.
To lay it very simply, taking on too much is a surefire way to increase your stress and fatigue levels while diminishing your spare time and peace of mind. Because of this, it is necessary to learn how to say “NO.”
Saying “NO” and Meaning It
Most people do need to learn how to say “no,” because typically the natural response is to agree. Above all else, it is our unresolved emotions that cause us to agree to do things that we later regret. The Christians Victorious Spiritual life coaching program is an all important resource to help you let go of such damaging behavior patterns and unresolved emotions to harness the power of saying “no.” Spiritual counseling is also instrumental in assisting you to let go of the guilt or feeling of obligation that often sets in when you turn someone down, and the need to play 'God' or be 'Superman or Superwoman' in other people's lives.
Our tools will enable you to take your life back and live with room for both self and others, helping others when it is appropriate and setting boundaries for yourself in a healthy and harmonious way.
Boundaries are there for good reason.
Deuteronomy 19:14
14 Do not move your neighbor’s boundary stone set up by your predecessors in the inheritance you receive in the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess.
Also, if you find yourself wavering when faced with a request you’d rather not do, remind yourself that it’s OK to say “no” with these four reassuring facts:• Saying “no” is not selfish. Instead it releases up your time so you are able to spend more of it with friends and family.
• Saying “no” will permit you additional time and vigor to follow your aspirations or sample new hobbies.
• If you say “yes” too much, it could cause you to feel stressed out, angry, resentful or tired, which doesn’t benefit anybody.
• You’re not the only person who can do the requested task. Have faith in other people’s abilities to help you out or take your place.
If you or someone you know requires further assistance with this issue, or any others mentioned on this site, we would be happy to assist you. Simply email your enquiries to Rev.Bola:
bolaamail-recovery@yahoo.co.uk or bolamail-church@yahoo.co.uk
Please allow up to 7 days for a lengthy, detailed answers.
Peace and Light Rev.Bola
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