Sunday, 28 July 2013

Title: 'LOVING YOUR PERSON' - Step 4 Work

Title:*ABLE* Light Orb18 //Mm  -  Visual Prayer Art by Rev.Bola
STEP 4  (of C.V.F) states....

  'Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.'

This moral inventory we undergo, does not just include acknowledging our sins and weaknesses; but also our strengths and gifts. We become ever more aware, of the many talents and abilities that we have been blessed with by God, that we may use them in service to God's Kingdom.

Below, is a very simple but effective  Step 4 tool, which I start almost every client with; as it helps builds one's confidence and self-esteem to be able to move forward in life.  

*The Loving Your Beautiful Self As God Loves You* - Worksheet

You start off by saying.....

'I thank you Almighty God that you have endowed me with the

following qualities':-

1.List at least  3 things that God has blessed you with, that make you special or stand out. 
(i.e. unique, different, unusual to others)

2. Out of any and all your personal achievements and successes
list at least 3, that you feel good about.
(For example family, academic, or social achievements)

3. List at least 3 activities that you are good at, or can do well,
(even if its cleaning your teeth) examples are hobbies, talents, gifts.

4. List your most attractive physical quality, and personality trait.
      (Remember that God created you in His own image)

5. Now read this out loud to yourself.
 (Then again to yourself every morning for a week)

   Note how you feel afterwards, and how your Spirit lightens up with gratitude. 

Give thanks and praise to God.

6. Repeat this exercise, whenever you need a spiritual lift.

Peace and Love

*Additional  Spiritual Exercises and Activities are available Free of charge, to Members of 


*To receive more tips, gifts and free bonuses, join us now.  Simply go here and click on the  

'JOIN US' tab:-

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Title: 'The Worst Experience A Human Could Ever Have'

Title: *ABUNDANCE*Orb of Light 26/Mx - Visual Prayer Art by Rev.Bola

What's the worst experience a human-being could ever have? 

The worst experience a human-being could ever have is not.....

1. Being abandoned by parents or family 
2. Having marital problems or a relationship break down
3. Being poor, broke and penniless
4. Being homeless
5. Having a seemingly incurable illness
6.Being unemployed
7. Losing all their fortune
8. Being displaced or marginalized
9. Being in prison
10. Being uneducated
11 or even death itself.

These things are extremely challenging and indeed bad enough for many, but they are not the worst. 
The worst experience a human-being can ever have, is being completely cut off, and disconnected from his or her Creator, the Source of all life whom we know as God. There is nothing in the whole wide universe that can make up for that, or relieve that level of anxiety, other than to be re-united, and re-connected fully with one's Creator.

The pain of separation from God is so unbearable that it has led to indulgence in drug taking, alcohol abuse, sexual immorality, racial abuse, gender abuse, and many other sins. But engaging in these unholy activities only serves to make matters worse, and keep one even more separated. 

The sense of isolation and degradation that comes from a soul's separation from God, is so demoralizing and overwhelming, that it indeed results in the most painful levels of low self esteem, and low self worth. Since God is love, and God is the Source of all love, you cannot truly experience love when separated from God, and so it is impossible to love yourself or others in that condition.

The only solution to the pain of separation from God, is to be re-united and re-connected with God, and thus positioned to receive all the blessings and healings therein. The 11 challenges mentioned above are merely symptoms of a much deeper cause which  is the pain of separation from God. Without God, such challenges become impossible for the person to manage, but with God all things are possible.

So if you are facing difficult challenges, first get yourself reconciled with your Creator. 
Step 1 of The *Christians Victorious Fellowship, helps you to do just that with success and ease.

God has a redemption plan for every human soul, including you. The Bible states in John 3:16---
16 God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life.

  God has made special provisions for you, and in particular all who are experiencing the pain of disconnection from Source. Don't you see that what you hunger for, that pain deep within you, that nothing seems to satisfy, is your call to return to God? No matter what you are experiencing right now, God wants to help you. He wants you back with Him, and under His protective, loving wings.You simply need to avail yourself of this connection by asking for it with humility and a contrite heart.

The *Christians Victorious Fellowship - Int,  is here to assist you. Our sole purpose is to help you re-connect with the living God, and to stay connected to God. Come and align yourself with the Creator of this universe. You have an adversary spirit known as Satan, whose sole purpose is to stop you re-connecting with God, and to keep you separated and isolated from God, so that he can continue to have you as a slave to his own agenda.

Do you not want to be free? Do you not want to have your self-respect and your self esteem back? 
Do you not want to be prosperous, alive, certain, joyful, at peace, steady, certain of your future, and above all loved unconditionally just for being who you are? Of course you do! Well, your Creator, God the Source of all life, of all love of all peace, of all good is the ONLY one who can give you all those things freely with no side effects. 

If you are ready to re-connect, or if you want to receive in greater quantity, then I am happy to inform you,

The *Christians Victorious Fellowship can help. It matters not who you are or where you are in the world geographically, if your goal is to be re-connected with the Source of life, and to remain connected then you are welcome to join us. 

Just Go straight here and sign up now, it's FREE of charge:-

The Christians Victorious Fellowship - Int

Then get ready for your miracles.
Director - Christians Victorious Fellowship 
* For Some More Inspiring Messages, Be Sure To Check Out Our 
  Site Archives, Up At The Top, Right Hand Side of This Page ---------->>>>

And, here's a great site to help you deepen your relationship with God. 
Go here:  Jimmy Swaggart Ministries


Thursday, 25 July 2013

'We Warmly Invite You To Join The CVF Forum'

Title:*LET GO AND LET GOD* - Visual Prayer Art from Collection by Rev.Bola
The *Christians Victorious Fellowship (CVF)....

is a physical, geographical as well as an On-line Internet based fellowship of believers.
We love it when people can attend our regular physical meetings in Nottingham, UK.
They are every Wednesday at 7pm to 9pm. ( Meeting Venue is given on direct request by email to attend a meeting)

But even if you are unable to attend the physical meetings (e.g. due to distance, scheduling or other factors, you can still join our Forum on line, by clicking on the Meet Up link below, where you will be able to ask questions about any of life's issues, and receive answers, inspiration, guidance and support; all completely Free of charge.

If you sign up and join the CVF forum, you will be able to receive free, private Christian Life coaching worth thousands, from the Minister in Charge, and also receive regular guidance and assistance with your Spiritual Development from the fellowship as a whole. You can even get an opportunity to improve your Christian discipleship through assisting others.

If you have any questions or enquiries, please email the minister in charge, Rev.Bola:

So what have you got to lose? Sign up here now,
You'll be glad you did, or for more information about joining us just click on the 'Meet Up' Logo below and it will take you straight to the Forum page where you can get all the membership details:-

Christians Victorious Fellowship - Int