Thursday, 26 September 2013

Title: *Seven Steps to Biblical Revelation

Title:*ANGER Reverser* Light Orb 5/Mm - Visual Prayer Art from Set by Rev.Bola

Meditate Upon These Seven Steps

1.God Almighty, cleanse me by His (Christ's) blood:

Since encountering inspired revelation circumvents the core of biblical meditation, you must ready yourself to be led from the Holy Spirit by repenting and being cleansed by the blood of the Lamb.

You must be obedient to former revelations from God (Matt. 7:6), and confess any trespass in your life, so you are not disconnected from continued revelation (Is. 59:1,2; I Jn. 1:9).
2.Lord, concede me a learner's posture:

Revelation is conceded to those who observe an attitude of humbleness, and it is kept back from the arrogant and the self-important. So keep an open, humble attitude before God, permitting Him the freedom to pour forth more avid illumination on whatever thoughts you presently harbour, and to change them as He find appropriate (Jas. 4:6; II Pet. 1:19).
3.Lord, I will not use my faculties myself:

You'll be able to do naught of your own enterprise but solely what you learn and discover by the Spirit (Jn. 5:19,20,30). You do not have a mind to use, but a mind to lay out to God so He can employ it and satiate it with anointed understanding and divine sight (Prov. 3:5-7; Rom. 12:1,2). If you use your mind yourself, it is a lifeless exercise (Heb. 6:1,2).
4.Lord, I pray that the eyes of my heart might be enlightened:

Slow down as you read, reflecting on the text again and again, in your heart and mind, praying perpetually for God to afford you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the cognition of Him (Eph. 1:17,18; Ps. 119:18).
5.Lord, I lay out the powers to reason and to imagine for you to satiate, and course through  by Your Spirit:

Meditation implies gifting your faculties to God for Him to fill and apply. These include your left hemisphere logical thinking capabilities in addition to your right hemisphere visual capacities.
Search for the river of God (i.e. “Spirit flow”) to direct and fill both hemispheres, conceding you anointed thinking, dreams and vision (Jn. 7:37-39). Music can aid you, as can muttering, speaking, and writing as you experience the uncovering process (II Kings 3:15).
6.Lord, show me the answer to the trouble I am confronting:

Focused attention imparts further energies of immersion of heart and mind, which help discharge revelation. For instance, mark the difference between a ray of sunlight hitting a piece of paper, and sunlight running through a magnifying glass to hit a piece of paper. The focused energy produces a ray of light so concentrated that the paper explodes into flames. When you have a thirst to master a new understanding and discipline, that thirst, and searching essence will induce you to discover matters you would not ordinarily pick up 
(Matt. 5:6).
7.Thank You, God Almighty, for what You have revealed to me:

Recognizing that the revelation came from the indwelling Holy Spirit, give all the glorification to God for what has been revealed (Eph. 3:21).

May God Abide with you constantly, in all your Spiritual Endeavors.
May you experience the joy of His Almighty anointing upon your soul.

Infinite Peace and love

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